Affmy and TacoLoco: ROI 50%

Are you looking for some inspiration for your next campaign? Look no further: In our new study we’ll show you how to achieve a 50% ROI with current advice and examples.


Hello, my friends! Today we’re going to tell you аbout merging of dating from TacoLoco Push networks to our in-house offers in the USA. We know from our most recent case study that pushes work well on DateMinx, JoinTheDating, LookAWoman and MilfNearMe, that’s why we’re going to put them to the test.

Traffic Source: TacoLoco

Ad Format: Push notifications

Period: 23.06.2021 – 30.06.2021

Partner program: Affmy

Offers: DateMinx, JoinTheDating, MilfNearMe, LookAWoman

Money Spent: $1022,16

Money Received:  $1539,2

Profit: $517,04 

ROI: 50,58%

Traffic source choice

For moderators, the right choice of traffic source is half the success. We opted for  TacoLoco for many reasons, and here are some of them:

  1. Exclusive sources with high-quality traffic.
  2. Large volume of traffic: more than 1 billion daily shows on the net. 
  3. Minimum CPC bid —  from $0.001.
  4. Quick approval of campaigns.

Choice of creatives

From our experience, creatives with selfies on pushes give the best results to an extent.  Guided by creative statistics which we get from other sites, we took the most convertible of them and launched 5 campaigns.

We’ll give you some tips which will be useful to you before the source test:

  1. Experiment with the choice of photograph: not just selfies but studio photos are suitable for testing.
  2. Use photos of girls from various angles showing or hiding their face. You can upload different photos, or just one (cropped for an icon and full size – for the main image).

Create a number of text versions: an invitation to write, provoking questions, categorical phrases. They will help you define what converts best in the given source at that specific GEO.

To get up-to-date creatives for your GEO, write to Affmy manager.

Tracker settings

For ease of viewing statistics we used Keitaro tracker — an excellent analytical tool. It helps:

  1. Carry out split testing of offers and allocate traffic between them in the desired proportion.
  2. Optimise creatives and offers campaigns.
  3. Check different hypotheses, for example, the dependence of the quantity of conversions on the rate.

In order to add TacoLoco to track sources, you need to go to the relevant tab and press “Add Source”, then write the name and indicate the desired parameters – cost, country, platform, campaign ID etc.:

From the parameters, we can transfer the cost, country, platform, campaign id. It will look like this:

Campaign settings

To begin with, you need to create a campaign in the tracker: write the name and choose  TacoLoco source.  We have placed 4 offers in a split with an equal percentage relationship.  Offers with the worst conversion can be excluded after the collation of statistics.

To action our algorithm for campaign creation actions in TacoLoco: press on “New campaign”, launch push notifications on CPC models and choose “dating” traffic type.  Tag the link from the tracker.

For the most effective campaign launch, pay attention to the following settings:

  1. Impression capping — capping according to quantity of impressions. We define the number of impressions per single user: 1 time in 24 hours. This setting is optimal, since it provides a maximum level of traffic uniqueness for your campaign.
  2. Clicks capping — capping according to quantity of clicks. Here we have established an analogous indicator (1 time in 24 times), since the most frequent product referral will not be effective, if the user has clicked but not purchased it.

Then we added a creative in every campaign.нию. We used 5 photographs of girls for the creatives, each taken from different angles. We will observe them to see which campaign will show the best result.

Then we added a button (push buttons): it is needed to attract attention and will appear together with the notification. The notification is “CONTACT” and “SEE PROFILE”, such phrases contain a call-to-action and precisely describe the aim of the click to push.

We have chosen only Android out of the OS. According to our experience, this is where pushes work most effectively. There was no choice of versions, so we will merge onto all.

We then chose the country  — USA. We aren’t able to choose sub-sources, since TacoLoco doesn’t have that function.

The rate was assigned on the basis of  Traffic Chart utilities data. It can be used to see the volumes of traffic, minimum, average and maximum rate, as well as mean CTR of announcements. The system recommended the following rates for our targets:

Minimum CPC — $0.02.

Average CPC — $0.096.

We settled on the interim option  — CPC $0.06. Let’s look at ROI and traffic volume which we will obtain with such a bid..

We set a daily budget –  $150, which is quite enough to begin with. If we realise that this limits the traffic, then we can increase it later. 

Campaign launching and optimisation

We carried out the first cross section of statistics including an analysis of results for campaigns and offers a day later.

In this launch we tested 4 offers in identical proportions.  The worst performer was  MilfNearMe, but we didn’t exclude it, since 1 day is too short a time to make a correct decision. 

Note. It should not be forgotten that this is push traffic and there are frequent bugs: the user doesn’t always find a push when they get it – it might take a couple of days to open it. If you’ve launched a test campaign, and it’s gone into a small minus, then in all probability it will go to zero because of bugs. The optimal testing time is about two weeks. 

In total over a period of one day we obtained ROI 31.02% for all campaigns. 3 campaigns achieved a plus, and  2 — minus. Since we were not able to optimise campaigns based on sub-sources, we just excluded the minuses. 

After excluding the minus campaigns we continued to channel traffic for another 6 days. As a result we attained the following statistics for the week:

After excluding the minus campaigns, ROI increased to 50.58%.

An assessment of offer indicators provided the following results:

The greatest ROI was obtained from JoinTheDating58.51%. 

The minimum ROI was obtained from MilfNearMe24.64%.

With further optimisation, we might try to leave 1-2 offers with top ROI, but there must always be a reserve option where traffic can be transferred to or added to a split with a lower percentage. 

Conclusions after a week of campaign switch-on

Based on traffic test push results for TacoLoco ad network, after analysing and re-launching, we obtained the following indicators: 

  • ROI — 50.58%.
  • Profit — $517.04.
  • All offers gave a positive result.  

It can safely be concluded that traffic from  TacoLoco is high-quality and is excellently suited to our offers.

It should be noted that the daily budget we set was only half used. This means that it did not restrict our traffic. In the future we can increase CPC to see if the volume of traffic increases, or whether there will be more conversions and what the ROI will be.


After successfully testing campaigns on one GEO, we can scale this source. 

How can we scale the source?

  • Test other GEO.
  • Increase the rate, in order to obtain greater traffic volume.
  • Try similar creatives: identical images with different texts, or one text with different images.
  • Try split testing for new offers.

Conclusions and recommendations

  • When you work with push traffic, you can obtain about 30% ROI even from the outset. The most important thing is the correct choice of creatives and offers.
  • Perform split testing of a number of offers, to determine the one with greatest conversion.
  • Test different approaches to the creatives described above, in order to check that it works effectively.
  • Use a tracker to follow impressions, in order to view statistics quickly and in different cross sections.
  • Try different GEO and bids to see where and what rate converts best and gives more profit. 

And now a bonus for our readers! When you register on TacoLoco using promo code “AFFMY21” you will receive a  $20 bonus on your first deposit by the end of 2021. 

When you register with our partner Affmy using the promocode “TacoLoco” you will receive a 10% bonus on your first payment of $1000 when channeling traffic to Affmy in-house offers until 15.08.2021!

If you have registered in Affmy, but still haven’t tried out exclusive offers with the highest rates on the market, then now is the time to try them! Using the promo code  “AffmyExclusives” you will receive a 10% bonus on the first payment of $1000 when channeling traffic until 15.08.2021. Write to your manager straight away and get your bonuses.

Wishing you a high conversion rate for all GEO! 

Start making profit
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