How to create content for websites with AI services

“Text content creation utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a widely adopted and valuable resource for individuals and organizations alike. AI systems can generate written material on various topics, adopting various styles and formats.” – ChatGPT could have very well crafted this introduction.

If you are planning to use the GPT model to enrich your online platform or design a landing page, this article is a must-read. We’ll explore the potential and intricacies of using AI for content creation and offer practical advice for working with AI services effectively.

AI for Content Creation: Pros and Cons

We have been hearing about products based on artificial intelligence for a long time, but now developers have taken AI services to a new level. They are actively used to automate many tasks, from writing code to promoting a finished website in search results. But when it comes to generating text and graphic content, the quality of AI masterpieces is still the most controversial. On the one hand, artificial intelligence for generating content has a lot of advantages. It doesn’t make grammatical mistakes, miss deadlines, experience burnout, or demand payment. AI can quickly churn out search engine-optimized texts and enhance existing content efficiently. Yet, despite these strengths, AI’s capabilities in content creation are not flawless. Neural networks haven’t achieved the level of perfection necessary to substitute for human involvement.

How Neural Networks Generate Content

When using AI tools to prepare content, you need to understand how they work. Imagine the artificial intelligence algorithm as a sophisticated shredder that receives a huge amount of materials relevant to a given prompt or the user’s input. The AI synthesizes and generates new, unique content from this rich dataset. It’s important to emphasize that the AI “generates” rather than “creates” original material.

What are AI Services Used For?

People continue to look for ways to become more productive and automate processes as much as possible. Content creation is time-consuming and budget-consuming, so generating unique and optimized text using artificial intelligence has quickly become a trend.

Using AI services, you can:

  • Gain ideas for structuring or expanding your written content.
  • Create new concepts and innovative approaches for crafting original content.
  • Generate unique and SEO-optimized articles for informational websites and blogs.
  • Prepare scripts and titles for videos and specific storyboard elements.
  • Quickly create original and effective landing pages.
  • Edit and refine finished text – for example, identify grammatical mistakes, verify the uniqueness, and suggest stylistic improvements in your texts.
  • Create content for social networks with titles, descriptions, and hashtags.

However, despite these capabilities, the use of neural networks for content creation demands vigilant care and control from humans. As AI itself might suggest: “It’s crucial to remember that while GPT can generate content by drawing on extensive text data, it lacks genuine comprehension of context or specific business objectives. Therefore, the responsibility for reviewing and refining the generated content remains an individual’s responsibility.” 

In simpler terms, AI lacks the intuition and understanding of context. As a result, its output might not always hit the mark in terms of accuracy or originality. It’s wise to always review and refine AI-generated content before using it.

Before pointing fingers at artificial intelligence for any shortcomings in the content it generates, it is important to understand the best practices for interacting with it. The effectiveness of the content produced by a neural network is heavily influenced by how the request is formulated. If you want to get a clear answer from AI, formulate the task clearly and provide all the necessary information. Despite the sophistication of ChatGPT, it can’t read minds or infer missing details about your project on its own.

If AI is given insufficient initial data, it will be guided by the existing information set.

In other words, if you aim to create a landing page for a product that AI does not yet have data for, the outcome may fall short of your expectations. AI operates within the scope of the data it “knows” and will proceed to fulfill the task based on that knowledge, provided there’s nothing in the request that it deems extreme or offensive.

How to Make a Landing Page with GPT

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is the largest and most advanced Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)language model in the world available today, suitable for a wide range of tasks.

Free, multilingual, and capable of giving a reasonably intelligible answer to non-trivial questions, which allows for the swift and effective development of website content. When paired with DeepL, acclaimed as the world’s most precise and fastest translation service, it becomes entirely feasible to craft landing pages and informational platforms tailored for both American and European traffic. What once would have entailed significant expenses is now not only cost-free but can be accomplished with unprecedented speed.

“Utilizing GPT to create a landing page presents an interesting approach, given that GPT is a potent generative language model capable of producing text from the input it’s provided,” says ChatGPT from OpenAI, highlighting its potential in this domain.

To successfully formulate a task for GPT and get high-quality content for the landing page, you need to:

  1. Define the Purpose and Audience of The Landing Page: you need to clearly understand the landing page’s objectives and target audience, knowing who will be interested in your product or service.
  2. Gather Information and Keywords: compile all necessary details about the product or service you’re promoting, including descriptions, features, benefits, pricing, customer testimonials, and other vital information. Additionally, gather relevant keywords that will guide GPT in generating focused and relevant content.
  3. Formulate instructions for GPT: specify what information should be included in each landing page section. For example, you can ask GPT to generate a title, an introductory description, a product feature block, a testimonial block, and so on.
  4. Review and Refine the Generated Content: once GTP has provided content, it’s important to check for the tone of voice, correctness, and other criteria. Improve or correct any points that require attention. Although this step is indispensable, the need for revisions can be significantly reduced by providing GPT with clear and detailed instructions from the outset.

For a successful landing page, you require more than just proficient selling text that promises, “This cream will make your skin radiant and your life complete.” You also need to highlight the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and convey the product’s value, enhancing the potential for conversions. Therefore, avoid vague instructions like “Make a landing page,” “Write a landing page text for a specific product,” or “Create a selling text for a landing page,” as this will not help you get good results. The neural network demands detailed inputs to craft content that stands out, not just another generic one-pager, but content that is truly optimized and tailored for your specific offer.

Nuances of Using ChatGPT

To work effectively with AI, it’s important to be mindful of the following nuances:

  1. Chat GPT has limited characters for entering data and issuing a response. Aim to provide initial information succinctly, avoiding redundancy and filler content. If you cannot condense your prompt sufficiently, begin with the core request and ask the AI to elaborate, specify, or expand upon the response. The GPT model is designed to remember context across interactions within the same dialogue, allowing for a coherent flow of information.
  2. The ChatGPT service sometimes freezes. When this happens, enter “continue,” and the service will continue to generate. Or click on “regenerate response” to regenerate the response. However, this will generate a new version of the response.
  3. This model is multilingual but has a better proficiency with English inputs. Try formulating your prompts in English and translating the responses into your preferred language, if necessary. Tools like Google Translate or DeepL can be helpful for users who are not fluent in English. Notably, English prompts can often accommodate longer text inputs.


AI has already reached remarkable heights and remains on a continuous learning and self-improvement trajectory. Developers are optimistic, viewing the current state of AI and neural networks as merely the dawn of a transformative era. The potential extent of their evolution is something we can scarcely fathom. As you contemplate integrating AI services in website creation, ponder over the origins of this article—did artificial or natural intelligence craft it?

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