Making money from push notifications – how to monetize website traffic 

Push notification is a method of engaging with website and application users through the technology of instant content delivery to both mobile and desktop devices. Pop-up messages are relevant for different operating systems and browsers, ensuring they capture a vast audience. You may ask how to monetize website traffic with push notification traffic, and what about those acquiring traffic from third-party sources? This article is for those who are familiar with the concept of push traffic yet have not explored its potential for monetization.

What is Push Traffic

Push traffic comprises of users who have opted into receiving push notifications from an ad network and are directed to advertiser landing pages. These pop-up messages are more efficient than other forms of communication, such as email, due to several advantages:

  • The subscription process for push advertising is simple, where users are only required to make a single click without disclosing any personal information;
  • Push traffic is versatile and suitable for any line of business;
  • Users voluntarily subscribe and can opt out of push notification ads at any time;
  • Advertisers gain access to a “live” and engaged audience, which can significantly monetize website traffic.
  • Pop-up windows are non-intrusive to content viewing, fostering a loyal attitude towards this website monetization format.
  • Push notifications never go unnoticed; they appear the moment the user interacts with the device;
  • The push format allows for expansive reach in ad campaigns; advertisers can reach the target audience anywhere in the world.
  • Miniature pop-up windows with advertising can and should be personalized using symbols, emoji, macros, and logos of popular instant messengers (modified), visually adapting them to the vertical of the offer;
  • The display schedule of push notifications can be customized based on user activity, allowing for strategic pauses, if needed, between displays—this smart allocation of the advertising budget is one of the many ways to monetize a website with push notification ads.
  • You can even make money with ads through push notifications without owning a website, as networks like TacoLoco provide pre-made landing pages for collecting push subscriptions.
  • Push notifications can be targeted to users based on essential parameters such as GEO, device type, browser, and language.

Push subscriptions offer additional revenue streams and are not solely a traffic monetization tool. Push notifications can monetize residual traffic, “catch up” with leads, and drive conversions.

Perhaps most importantly, push traffic represents a source of passive and sustainable income—a goal for every webmaster and a highlight in many push traffic case study. 

How Push Notifications Work

Earning from push subscriptions is a viable strategy for both owners of websites and apps across various niches and for affiliate marketers. These marketers might craft their own landing pages before posting to push notifications to monetize website with adsor utilize pre-made landing pages provided by a push network affiliate or the direct advertiser themselves.

Push networks act as intermediaries connecting publishers with advertisers, including media buyers and direct offer owners. Before sending push traffic to advertisers’ offers, the affiliate network must establish its own database of push subscriptions. This means accumulating a user base that has expressed interest in relevant advertising in the form of pop-up windows.

The process of push notifications looks like this:

1. The site owner incorporates a specific script into the site’s code, initiating a pop-up window that invites visitors to subscribe to the push newsletter.

2. Upon visiting the online resource, a user sees a push notification either immediately after the page loads or after a certain duration, based on the publisher’s timing preferences. The user can choose to subscribe, decline, or disregard the notification. Generally, users tend to respond neutrally to such advertisements.

3. If a user consents to receive push notifications, this means that in the future, they will receive advertisements for offers in the same format from advertisers associated with that affiliate marketing network.

Over time, those who haven’t subscribed may be prompted again to subscribe. Publishers often set the frequency of these prompts up to two times per day for each unique visitor, although some may increase this to three times to leverage audience loyalty.

4. If a user interacts with a pop-up advertisement, they are redirected to the offer’s landing page. Should the user complete the desired action there, it benefits the advertiser, simultaneously generating revenue from push subscriptions for the site owner who provides the push traffic.

Where Do Push Notifications Go to?

Push notifications pop up on top of work windows. On desktop devices, they appear in the upper corner of the screen, while on mobile devices, they show in the lower part. Even if users have closed the site and forgotten about it, they remain in the push subscription database. This means they will continue to receive advertising even when the browser or application is closed.

The traffic from push notifications is categorized into three types depending on the source.

Mobile push notifications are accessible to users who have downloaded Android and iOS applications and agreed to receive push notifications. In-app push is used to engage the existing audience and inform them about current offers. However, these notifications do not attract a new audience but only target the existing user base.

This is what in-app push notifications look like on a mobile screen:

Using iOS as an example, the process goes as follows: The user first gets a request from an application to accept notifications. This request is then relayed to the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS), Apple’s message delivery system, which issues a unique device token in response. This token is sent back to the application, then forwarded to the application’s backend infrastructure, and finally returned to APNS along with the actual notification content. After this sequence, the push notification is displayed to the user. For the user, this entire process occurs within a matter of seconds.

Web Push notifications are received by users through browsers on both mobile and desktop devices. These push notifications are a reliable marketing channel as they are compatible with nearly all browsers and devices. Previously, push notifications did not apply to Safari browser users, but the introduction of In Page Push technology resolved this limitation.

The method of delivering browser push notifications differs from the delivery of mobile push notifications. Each browser has its own push notification delivery service. In order for the user to receive a message after leaving the site, it is sent from the site server to the cloud server, then to the browser (referred to as User Agent), which decrypts the message and launches the Service Worker. After this algorithm, the user will see a message in the browser.

For the user, the experience with push notifications is fast and seamless: they visit a website, encounter a message, and opt to subscribe. Following subscription, each user is assigned a unique ID, which is used to display relevant advertisements to them. Importantly, monetizing push subscriptions does not necessitate the collection of personal data. Unlike email newsletters, users are not required to provide contact information. In addition, push notifications enable audience segmentation, allowing the sender to tailor notifications with the most pertinent and useful information.

How Do Websites Make Money from Traffic?

Push monetization is one of the most effective methods for generating revenue on your website. The owner of the online platform only needs to place a special script in the website’s code (<head> block) that will launch push notifications.

In-Page Push works differently; to display them, you need to insert a piece of code into the <body>:

Behavioral or technical factors do not influence miniature pop-up windows. Users generally have a favorable attitude toward them, and importantly, search engines do not penalize websites in search rankings for utilizing this type of advertising. Website owners don’t have to worry about push notifications harming their websites.

Publishers can monetize push notificationsusing push links if they cannot integrate the script or do not have access to the code. Some CPA networks have a useful Traffic Back option, thanks to which you can monetize even those users who have not subscribed to push notifications. For instance, on platforms like TacoLoco, publishers can set up traffic back for different offers or Smartlinks and use the parameters to track traffic:

By choosing the Mainstream or Dating traffic type, the site owner determines the direction of advertising their audience will receive. “Dating” suits sites with an adult audience; they can display advertisements for adult-oriented offers. This approach allows you to get more conversions and not lose your audience.

After installing a push link on the site or implementing a script for push notifications, the publisher mainly monitors revenue. For optimization purposes, settings for displaying push notifications can be adjusted as needed.

Ways to Make Money from Push Notifications

Pop-up notifications aren’t just a source of income for publishers. Webmasters who monetize traffic from third-party sources can also profit from push subscriptions. Furthermore, push traffic affiliate marketing is a lucrative strategy for generating long-term passive income, making it highly popular among affiliates.

Affiliate marketers purchase traffic from push networks and blend it with other traffic sources for comprehensive monetization. Consider this particular push traffic case study: push traffic was directed to a landing page to engage residual traffic and target users who hadn’t completed the desired action with the main offer. While push notifications weren’t the primary channel, the strategy led to outstanding results. This case, where Push traffic and In-Page Push generated over $1600, is worth examining. Testing this combination or developing your own strategy can yield varied results, which will depend on the volume and quality of your traffic and your proficiency in optimizing advertising campaigns.

How Push Monetization Works

When webmasters enable push monetization of their resources, they sell push traffic to an affiliate network. In this case, the network acts as an intermediary between the advertiser and the publisher, taking a small commission for its services. Such partnership benefits everyone: advertisers gain access to a high-quality audience, publishers earn passive income, and affiliates find an opportunity to earn more comfortably and securely. Advertisers pay for each ad click as users are added to the push subscription database and interact with advertisements. The publisher, in turn, earns revenue from each of these clicks. The rate paid by advertisers and received by publishers already includes the partner commission.

Making Money from Push Notifications Without a Website – Is It Realistic?

For those who have not yet launched their own website or cannot add a script to their site’s code, TacoLoco offers an alternative: the Push-link. After registration, publishers are provided with a unique link and access to the platform’s variety of landing pages. A push link can be received from any source. Essentially, this is all that’s required from the publisher; the platform’s algorithm handles the rest.

By clicking on the link, the user is taken to a landing page where they will be prompted to subscribe to push notifications. Additionally, publishers can select one or several landing pages and use a rotator to further automate and maximize the process of collecting push subscriptions.

With ready-made TacoLoco landing pages, everyone can make money from push subscriptions.

What Affects Earnings from Push Subscriptions and How Much You Can Earn

The revenue from push subscriptions is influenced by numerous factors, beginning with the pricing model utilized by the ad network. The most popular monetization models for push traffic include:

  • CPS (Cost per Subscriber): This model involves payment per subscriber. It is generally more favorable to the network and for the publisher, it translates to a one-time payment for each acquired subscription.
  • CPC (Cost per Click): Under this scheme, the publisher earns a reward for each subscriber’s click on an advertisement. The advertiser sets the rate based on traffic parameters, and the publisher receives this amount minus the network’s commission.
  • CPM (Cost per Mile): This model offers payment for every 1000 impressions of advertising push notifications. It’s advantageous because it allows for predictable revenue. However, accumulating a thousand impressions might take a significant amount of time.

Different networks offer varying payouts, and some opt for hybrid payment models for push traffic. TacoLoco, for example, provides 90% on RevShare, which is currently one of the most profitable offers in the traffic market, making it also one of the best ads network to profit with. 

The subscriber database size most significantly influences the earnings from push subscriptions. Building this database takes time, so waiting a few months before seeing passive income is common.

Using the example of individual countries, we can estimate the approximate income from one subscription over its entire “lifetime”:

First of all, Lifetime Value (LTV) depends on the quality of traffic, so actual income may vary.

P.S. Advertisers use push notifications for various purposes – to inform about new products, announce events, promotions, and discounts, trigger actions, or simply remind people about their presence. We have discussed in detail what push traffic is, where to acquire it, and how to utilize this format for maximum benefit. On our blog, you can find profitable cases involving push traffic in various combinations. If you are considering implementing push monetization, select a suitable push network and start earning from push notifications. You might discover that push traffic is your “gold mine” or, at the very least, a stable source of income.

Start making profit
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