Monetization with in-page push: features and step-by-step setup

Owning a website with good traffic and not monetizing it equates to leaving money on the table each day. If you’ve dabbled in earning through push subscriptions, you’re likely familiar with how lucrative traffic monetization with TacoLoco can be. We’ve now introduced another robust method to profit from your Site’s advertising space, and we’re here to guide you through the setup process to maximize your earnings.

Welcome to the best push advertising network, where in-page push monetization is now at your fingertips! Discover what this advertising format entails and why it’s worth incorporating into your monetization strategy.

In-Page Push – What is This Format?

In-Page Push notifications (IPPs) are pop-up messages that feature a title, description, and thumbnail image, closely resembling traditional push notifications. However, they function through a banner advertising mechanism. What sets in-page push notifications apart is their ability to appear to every site visitor, regardless of the device, operating system, or browser. Although this advertising format appeared relatively recently, it quickly gained traction among advertisers for opening up access to a fresh and valuable audience segment.

Here’s a glimpse of what in-page push notifications might look like on a publisher’s site.

Benefits of In-Page Push Format

Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of the IPP format for publishers:

  1. IPP advertising is comprehensive, extending across all devices, operating systems, and browsers. This inclusivity now encompasses iOS devices, allowing publishers to monetize their entire traffic base.
  2. In-page notifications appear native, do not block the content, and do not disrupt the user’s interaction with the page. This non-intrusive nature ensures that in-page push ads do not negatively impact behavioral factors or interfere with search engine optimization efforts.
  3. These notifications empower users to choose to engage with or dismiss the offer.
  4. Pop-up advertising through IPP now primarily reaches a fresh audience from Tier-1 countries. This opens up avenues for monetizing a solvent audience that’s more likely to convert.
  5. There is no link to the subscription database. That is, user permission to display notifications is not needed.
  6. In-page ads are instantly operational and don’t rely on a subscription base. Publishers can freely add or remove the script from their website’s code without the risk of losing a subscriber base.
  7. In-page push notifications are noticeable but unobtrusive. They integrate seamlessly and organically into the webpage, avoiding disrupting the user experience. Their design ensures they are noticeable without being a nuisance, thus not prompting users to leave the site.
  8. The script used for displaying in-page push notifications is designed to ensure it does not impact the website’s performance or contribute to technical issues. This means that incorporating in-page push ads won’t affect your site’s search engine rankings. In other words, your site won’t suffer in search results due to the introduction of in-page push advertising.
  9. In-page notifications pop up during active user interactions with the site, ensuring that each impression correlates directly to a view. This one-to-one relationship between impressions and views translates into increased earnings for the publisher—the more impressions, the higher the income.
  10. The display of in-page push advertising on TacoLoco can be customized in detail. The publisher can configure:
  • The location on the site where the ad will appear (bottom/top);    
  • The pause duration before the ad is displayed;
  • The reappear interval after which the ad will show again;
  • The time gap before the ad reappears if the user closes it;
  • The frequency with which an in-page push ad is shown to a single user on the website.

11. In-page push advertising seamlessly integrates with other ad formats on both the platform and the webpage itself. It is frequently utilized in scaling campaigns that include classic push notifications, allowing publishers to effectively combine IPP with traditional push notification monetization strategies on their sites.

12. The in-page push does not respond to browser updates because it interacts with the user within the browser, not the device.

Differences Between Classic Push Notifications and In-Page Push

Classic push notifications and IPPs are practically no different visually; to the user, they look identical. However, these two formats have fundamentally different operating mechanisms since in-page push notifications are essentially a type of banner advertising.

Therefore, these formats have significant differences:

  1. By monetizing a site with classic push notifications, the publisher receives income from users who have signed up to display push advertising from affiliate advertisers. With in-page push notifications, income is accrued the moment the user clicks on the ad.
  2. In-pages do not disappear until they are closed or the user exits the site.
  3. Adblock blocks classic push notifications; in-pages are insensitive to browser updates since interaction with the user occurs within the browser, not the device.
  4. Unlike classic push notifications, which may include a large image to attract attention, in-page push notifications typically do not contain large images. This is generally not an issue for mobile traffic.
  5. In-page push allows for quick earnings as users interact with ads in real time. On the other hand, classic push notifications can provide a steady income stream over an extended period as long as the user remains subscribed to the notifications and does not clear their cookies.

Setting up In-Page Push Monetization on TacoLoco

Launching In-Page Push (IPP) monetization on TacoLoco is a straightforward process. To get started, navigate to the Traffic Source tab and select “Site.” Here, you’ll be prompted to input details about your domain and traffic type:

Mainstream – This category allows for a wide range of offers to be placed on your site, except for adult-oriented content. Sites classified under mainstream typically see a balanced distribution of male and female visitors.

Dating – any offers are allowed, including content for an adult audience. The demographic for dating sites usually skews towards a predominantly male audience.

At this stage, you need to verify domain ownership, essentially confirming your rights to manage the specified site or landing page. There are two ways to verify a domain: place a meta tag in the site header (<head>) or upload a file to the root folder of your site.

After successfully verifying your domain, you can move on to the detailed setup for displaying in-page push notifications on your site. In the “Placement Name” field, input the name of your site. Then, choose the advertising format as “In-Page Push” and select the traffic type—either Mainstream or Dating. If you opt for Mainstream, your users will not be exposed to advertisements for “adult” offers. Conversely, selecting Dating allows for ads that include adult content.

Position – this setting allows you to choose where the in-page push notification will appear on the site—either at the bottom or the top. Experiment with different placements to see which placement yields the best engagement.

In the capping settings, set the following parameters:

Display Delay – set the time interval for when the in-page push notification will first appear after the site has loaded. 

Pause After Click – allows you to specify how long to wait before the notification reappears after a user has clicked on it.

Pause After Close – determines the delay before the notification reappears after being closed by the user.

Frequency Capping – frequency of In-Page Push impressions to one user.

Capping Strategy – allows you to choose how the ads will be distributed across the site—either spread out evenly over time or as quickly as possible.

Consider reading our partner’s case, who utilized both Push and In-Page Push notifications for extra traffic monetization, to give a practical example of these settings in action and achieved an impressive $1600 in revenue in just 30 days.

This completes the setup of IPP monetization on your website. From here, you can easily track your earnings and ad performance through the statistics available in your personal account. Each time a user clicks on an advertisement, you, as the publisher, will generate revenue.

P.S. In-page push is a relatively new yet powerful tool for monetizing website traffic. It emerged as a creative response to the Chrome80 update, sparking considerable interest among advertisers and webmasters alike. Essentially, Google’s update served as a catalyst for innovation, ensuring that browser advancements did not render push notifications obsolete. While the in-page push format may not be groundbreaking, its effectiveness and relevance in the current digital landscape are undeniable. We encourage you to start testing it on your site today.

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