TacoLoco and Aivix: how to achieve 300% ROI?

Everyone knows that Crypto vertical is one of the most promising arbitrage areas. Despite its popularity, there’s not a lot of high quality information on how to work with it, so every good guide is worth its weight in gold .

We would like to draw your attention to a unique case from our partner, who achieved almost 300% ROI with TacoLoco traffic on a not too well-known geo – Peru.


Advertising Network: TacoLoco

Partner network: Aivix

Spent: $402.19

Received: $1600

Profit: $1197.81

ROI: 297.82%

Hi everyone!

I’ve been in Crypto for more than 3 years, so I can’t be called a novice. My team and I are constantly testing new geos and approaches to find growth points.

This spring, while we were carrying out another audit of Tier 3 companies, we made some slight changes to our creatives and today we achieved some very decent results in Peru. I would like to share them with you.

In this case, we used push notifications from TacoLoco as a source. To be more specific, it was a “mixture” of Dating and Mainstream traffic. It’s important to note that in this case we used desktop push notifications.

We’ve been working with Aivix for quite some time, so there was no question of choosing a partner or offers.

On the part of TacoLoco, it all looked something like this. We created a large number of companies with different types of traffic (Dating or Mainstream).

Of course, we paid a lot of attention to creatives. We decided to use the former President of Peru as our main magnet for attracting attention. He’s quite popular in this geo. Even after impeachment, he remains one of the most hyped figures in the country.

It’s a very simple matter to create push notifications. In my opinion, TacoLoco has one of the most easy-to-use constructors.

We chose the Binom tracker to aggregate the results from Aivix and TacoLoco.

Here’s our result:

We did a lot of testing to end up with a positive result of $ 1197.81. I’m attaching another screen to show the volume of launches  🙂

From the partner’s side, everything looks like this:


I wouldn’t say that working with the Crypto vertical is easy. It usually requires a lot of attention and meaningful creative work. However, if you’re ready to put in the time, then you’ll definitely like the profit. What’s more, you can make money in Tier 3 countries. Cryptocurrency hype reached them a long time ago.

I can sincerely recommend Aivix – it has plenty of offers that work. As you can see, we are completely satisfied with TacoLoco as a traffic source.

Don’t be afraid of trying different approaches and you’ll definitely find your ideal combination;)

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