Traffic Back – here we’ll tell you what this function is and how you can configure it

Sometimes traffic either gets lost or isn’t accepted by the affiliate program.

Traffic Back was created just to prevent this from happening. It’s one of the most useful tools in the arsenal of any media buyer. It helps save time, money and effort. 

In this article, we’ll tell you how not to miss out on a single user.

What is Traffic Back?

In the media buyer’s dictionary, traffic back, or reverse traffic, is a mechanism that redirects users who did not create any conversions to another offer. The tool allows you to monetize traffic, and in some cases avoid budget overruns. The function is useful for both publishers and advertisers. 

Let’s look at all the pros in order.

Traffic Back for publishers

For publishers who monetize their own online resource with the help of an advertising network, traffic back helps achieve maximum income. All traffic not accepted by the advertising network can be demonetized.

The function is useful for publishers and site owners when:

  • the offer is no longer available and all partners urgently need to redirect traffic to similar offers (otherwise it will channel into nothing);
  • the user is already in the subscription database.
  • affiliate programs haven’t accepted your traffic due to KPI non-compliance or other reasons.

Traffic Back for media buyers

There are several mechanics here. However, for a media buyer traffic back is normally a way of getting additional income. By enabling this option, you can adapt the monetization scheme as much as possible to the user’s behaviour. 

The owner of the advertising campaign doesn’t have to worry about the funds spent on traffic, if the user for some reason is not interested in the first offer. Traffic back is a reserve option for earning income. Experience shows that by using this function, you can increase the profit from the campaign by 20%.

This helps you save money when:

  • traffic is generated from sources that cannot be targeted at a specific Geo (for example, when you buy advertising in public social networks or Instagram profiles);
  • the user hasn’t converted because they use an operating system that does not support classic push notifications.
  • the request was blocked by the browser or rejected by the user. 

Let’s take the following situation as an example: a media buying agent collects traffic from the Vkontakte social network community. The KPI offer shows that the advertiser accepts traffic from Russia and Kazakhstan, but there are  also people from Ukraine in the group. For users from this Geo, you can include a reverse link in the settings of the advertising campaign to another offer for a different product or the same offer, only for Ukraine. This will protect the media buyer from losing traffic.

Traffic back is a great tool in the advertiser’s arsenal. It helps you get the most out of any campaign. 

How to set up Traffic Back on TacoLoco for publishers

Publishers can also integrate Traffic Back on TacoLoco. Users will be redirected there, if they are already in the subscriber base, if they have blocked their subscription, or if their devices/browsers do not support push notifications (iOS). This will provide an additional chance to monetize everyone who is not subscribed to pushes. We recommend enabling the Traffic Back option by default:

In the Traffic Back URL field, you need to insert a link where non-targeted traffic should be redirected. You can use a smart link that independently determines the user’s parameters and directs them to a suitable offer. For example, in LosPollos smartlinks, the user will be redirected to the offer that is most likely to interest them. The “smart” algorithm analyzes traffic according to various parameters and selects a relevant offer. 

In a nutshell, traffic back + smartlink is a great way to monetize and it will save you a lot of money 🙂

What will happen, if I don’t enable Traffic Back in TacoLoco?

If the feature isn’t enabled, users who don’t have push notifications will be redirected to the Google homepage. 

When shouldn’t you use Traffic Back?

If you are monetizing traffic from your site and want to hold on to users for longer, then it’s best to turn off the Traffic Back option. Do not redirect them to other resources if the site has interesting and useful content.

P.S. There are many useful tools for media buyers designed to make their work more convenient and rational. Traffic back is one of those. If you still haven’t enabled this feature, we recommend you give it a go (if your affiliate network allows it). Optimize not only your advertising campaigns, but also your own resources.

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