What is gambling in traffic media buying

The gambling vertical is specifically dedicated to online gambling. The thirst for easy money in people will never disappear, therefore, despite the prohibitions, the niche continues to flourish. We are sure that you constantly come across online casino ads, as it is profitable to drive traffic to gambling offers.

This vertical has a place for both experienced and novice affiliates. In this article, we will talk more about gambling niche in affiliate marketing, types of competition, and how to promote gambling offers. Perhaps you will see something that will inspire you to look more into this niche.

Gambling media buying involves working with: slots, poker rooms, bookies, and bingo. Gambling and betting in affiliate marketing are presented as two separate verticals, but in fact, betting on sports and eSports is, in a sense, all the same – gambling. In general, if you are looking for a new niche, with gambling, you will have plenty to work with, however, it comes at a price of serious market competition.

Analysts say that the increase in income from gambling offers media buying will be more than 8% per year. It is worth noting that the most promising area of ​​gambling today, is online casinos.

What do gambling offers look like?

So, the job of an affiliate marketer focusing on the gambling vertical is to attract traffic to offers related to gambling. The target action in this case is:

  • User registration;
  • spinning a certain amount of free spins;
  • viewing commercials;
  • downloading and installing applications;
  • making a deposit to the account is the highest-paying action.

For the best conversion, gambling offers should have the following parameters:

  • minimum fields in the registration form;
  • maximum bonuses;
  • landing and pre-landing pages in the local language;
  • the most convenient application without any technical errors that lead to a high percentage of failures;
  • displaying native push notifications to users who installed the application but did not complete the target action.

Gambling target audience

The gambling vertical is aimed at a wide audience, but mostly men aged 25-50 are displaying greater interest in gambling and betting. At this age, people are most ambitious, reckless, and interested in easy money. For many, gambling is an additional or even at times the main source of income.

Participants here are divided into two main groups: wealthy people who play big, and those who have an income below the average and are not ready for high stakes. The latter, as a rule, agree to participate in gambling to improve their financial situation.

Traffic sources for gambling offers

The vast majority of webmasters prefer to send free traffic (or shareware) to gambling offers from sites such as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, Rutube, and Yandex.Zen.

With some skill, you can attract users to participate in gambling through contextual advertising and SEO (for site owners). Do not forget that the niche is banned, so here you need to be able to bypass the algorithms (but there is always a risk of being banned, which applies not only to beginners).

When working with gambling offers, we recommend using traffic sources such as push notifications and popunders. If you need cheaper traffic, choose popunders. If aiming at a higher quality audience – push notifications. These methods are quite suitable for advertising online casinos and bookies. Don’t forget that TacoLoco has a lot of quality traffic from over 180 countries 😉

When sending traffic to gambling offers, the web scrolls through different schemes. For example, users are offered to register using a referral link, after which they advertise a win-win game scheme.

Payment models in the gambling vertical

Traffic media buying with a focus on gambling involves the following payment models:

Cost Per Lead (CPL) – pay per lead. In this case, payment is received once the user completes registration with confirmation of the email address. In the CPA network, this payment model is relevant for the so-called DOI offers (Double Opt-In – double confirmation).

Cost Per Action (CPA) – pay per action. The affiliate receives a reward for each targeted action, namely, the deposit made by the user. Here you will find the biggest payouts, but this option is more suitable for experienced affiliate marketers who know how to drive traffic to gambling offers.

RevShare – Unlike previous payment models, there is no fixed rate. The payment amount depends on the size of the income of the online casino for the player that was attracted, and payments continue to come in as long as the user continues to lose. For traffic media buying in gambling, such conditions are very attractive, since you can continue to receive commissions for a long time, not just a one-time payment. Although there is one “but” here, for as long as the affiliate waits for the RevShare payments for his client to come through, he will not be able to buy new traffic if his budget is limited.

The hybrid payment model – is the best alternative to Revshare, but is rare. Here they pay both a reward for the player’s first deposit and a percentage of the casino’s income.

Top GEOs in gambling verticals

In addition to the CIS countries, it makes sense to work with foreign GEOs. If earlier beginners with a modest budget did not have much success working with foreign GEOs, now the list of regions has expanded significantly.

Traffic to gambling offers can be sent from:

  • Poland;
  • Greece;
  • Sweden;
  • Latvia;
  • Norway;
  • Japan;
  • Colombia;
  • Chile;
  • Portugal.

Moreover, CPM in the last two countries is practically the same as in the countries of the former CIS (Post Soviet Countries).

Top GEOs for gambling offers are Australia, Canada and Germany. Here, people do not hesitate to lose serious amounts of money on gambling.

When choosing between a direct advertiser and a gambling affiliate, you must first evaluate the main rate, the frequency of payments, the presence of a hold, and other criteria of the CPA network.

The conditions of the affiliate program with a direct partnership with the casino may seem more attractive. But no one guarantees that the affiliate will receive his payments in full or at some point will not be paid out. 

Gambling – is it worth working with the niche?

We can say that gambling is a promising vertical, with enough opportunities for everyone. Affiliate marketers prefer to expand the boundaries and use new traffic sources.

Creatives for gambling are one of the key factors of success in this vertical. Creatives that contain emotional images and personal stories show the best conversions. People subconsciously strive for the same emotions that the person in the advertising image demonstrates. Gambling creatives can be found in spy services. It is as easy as entering in the spyware a search request for  “casino”, “bonus”, “win”, etc., selecting the appropriate images and videos, refining them, and making them more unique.

Judging by the gambling cases, even beginners manage to see great profits 😉

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