Important facts about push advertising

  • Today, push-notifications are successfully delivered in the majority of browsers in use, including mobile ones.
  • Push notifications are delivered on top of all of the user’s open windows, even if the browser is turned off. Moreover, if the computer or phone is turned off, the user will receive a message as soon as he appears on the network.
  • Lack of fraud and markups. The entire audience is composed of real, active users. It is impossible to “cheat” or overestimate the audience of push notifications.
  • Push is not spam. The entire audience gives their informed consent to receive news and content, and can unsubscribe at any time
  • Convenient geolocation management. An important parameter on which most advertising campaigns are built. With TacoLoco, you can enter a text with the name of the region, defining this region through the user’s IP.
  • Timely mailing. People should be notified when it suits them. Therefore, we do not send our push notifications at night.
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