What is a PopUnder (Back Screen) – examples of popunder advertising

Popunder was one of the first media advertising formats. To this day, it is still considered an effective tool for attracting cheap traffic. Beginners are recommended to start media buying with popunders. However, the old hands continue to see a huge potential in them. What is a popunder? Are resources indexed with the relevant advertising code? Is it worth investing in? By the end of the article, your questions will be answered.

What are Popunder ads in Online Advertising

Popunder format is more subtle than a pop-up. It doesn’t appear above but under the tab, which is the main advantage of a popunder over a pop-up. A tab with a landing page in the background doesn’t disappear anywhere. Instead, it remains there calmly, waiting for its moment when the user finishes work, closes the current pages, and takes a look at its content. This makes the audience less cold than in the case of pop-up media.

What does a popunder look like?

Every active internet user knows what popunder advertising looks like. Before popunders and click-unders, only aggressive pop-up ads were used, and only free media was cheaper. So, from a technical point of view, they aren’t significantly different because ads are shown to users without their consent.

Examples of pop-ups with ads

In the examples below, we will show you several landing pages for top verticals as pop-ups, such as VPN, Gambling, Dating, Betting, etc.:





How do search engines treat Popunder ads?

Search engines will always prioritize the convenience of a resource for the user. Therefore, sites with intrusive advertising will not be favored a priori by search engines. For several years now, Yandex has been using a separate filter to monitor sites with popunders. The filter studies the banner’s reaction to attempt to close it. Regarding aggressive advertising, Yandex lowers the site’s position in search results without warning. 

In Google, a manual check is carried out after the robot has identified the popunder code. In all cases, it’s challenging to avoid pessimization. Therefore, think carefully before you channel popunder media from your own resources.

How do users treat popunder ads?

Popunder is a less intrusive form of advertising than a pop-up. For this reason, you can count on at least a minimum level of audience loyalty. Pop-up advertisers block most of the content on the working tab, and an attempt to close the banner results in the offer page being loaded. This is because visitors want to close the site as quickly as possible, along with annoying adverts. 

Advantages and disadvantages of popunder technolog

The landing page is guaranteed to be openedHowever, pop-unders often cause negativity
The advertisement does not prevent the user from viewing the contentThey mainly bring a cold audience
The ad doesn’t tarnish the resource designThey are penalized by search engines, and the site in search position is lowered (relevant for publishers)
The ad reaches a vast audienceDepends on browser updates and extensions that block pop-ups
There are no cheats and auto clicks, just the live publicThis may cause difficulties when determining the target audience
Saves on budget by displaying the ad to a unique user once every dayIt’s not suitable for offers aimed at a narrow audience
Able to attract a large amount of media traffic
Relatively low media traffic cost since one impression is equivalent to one view  
The ad may not appear at the same time as the site is loaded, but a little later 
They easily bypass “banner blindness.” 
It can be adapted to any device
As a source of media traffic, they are ideal for beginners and advertising campaigns with a small budget


How to produce a high-quality popunder

Let’s suppose you want to place a popunder on your site. Nothing is complicated about adding a popunder code to your site, choosing a relevant offer, and directing traffic from your resource there. 

Before you start earning from popunders, we recommend reading our recommendations.

  1. Choose simple offers that require minimal actions on the user’s part (subscribe to the newsletter, leave an email address, download the mobile application).
  2. Before you create a popunder ad, objectively evaluate the prospects of the media traffic source for the selected offer. If you want to monetize your resource, pop-ups must be relevant to the site’s theme to get a good CTR on the pop-up.
  3. Please note that not all advertising platforms accept click-under and popunder traffic. To avoid being blacklisted by the advertiser, carefully read the terms of the offer. 
  4. Create a landing page or use a ready-made one. Advertisers and popunder media traffic exchanges often provide publishers with advertising materials. Whatever the case, you should know how to make a landing page😉
  5. Test several landing pages simultaneously to find the one that converts best and exclude the rest.
  6. Divide the advertising campaigns into mobile and desktop – this is much easier to optimize.
  7. Use prelanding pages to warm up the public for verticals such as dating, betting, online casinos, and sweepstakes.

The best pop-under partners always offer help. The TacoLoco advertising network actively supports advertisers at all stages. For those who are just starting in media traffic buying, our managers will help you launch a pop-under media campaign. 

How do you create a landing page for a popunder ad?

A landing page for popunder media traffic has a large header, a few simple sentences, and a prominent CTA (call to action) button.

You can use the following checklist when creating a landing page. Before you launch a popunder ad campaign, make sure that the offer page opens after clicking on the banner:

  • It needs to load very quickly.

The user won’t wait for a page to open if they didn’t want it in the first place. Therefore, if it takes more than a second to load, it will be closed even before the content is displayed. Some pop-under-partners offer hefty landing pages created on WordPress. This is a bad option for popunder media traffic.

A landing page for popunder media should be less than 200 KB and load faster than in a second with VPS or CDN.

  • It must contain the most uncomplicated possible text.

You have very little time to catch the user’s attention. Therefore, the landing page text must be short and extremely clear. It has to arouse the user’s interest, who will look at the page from the corner of their eye. Think of a catchy title and “limit” the effect of the promotional offer. For example, using a countdown…

  • It has to be bright and dynamic. 

Use triggers and interactive elements, and offer bonuses and gifts to keep the user on the page.

Popunder Ad Network — Where to get cheap Popunder media traffic

Given this advertising format’s “venerable” age, there is a broad range of sources of popunder media traffic, with plenty existing on the market. However, newcomers often wonder where to get low-cost popunder media traffic.

More than 30 popunder networks offer media traffic on CPC, CPM, CPA – payment models. With the proper optimization tools and a decent popunder ad network choice, it’s time to start channeling into a plus.  TacoLoco offers the highest quality traffic from almost 200 countries😉P. S. Popunders still bring tons of media traffic with minimal investments, making sense for advertisers and media buyers alike to test them. However, if you own a site on which you want to place a popunder code, be prepared to sacrifice the loyalty of your audience and SERP position. Everyone else has nothing to fear. All that remains is to choose an advertising network with high-quality popunder traffic and a good offer, then put it to the test. Choose TacoLoco, and don’t forget to share your successful cases with us.

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